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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Summary of the the problems the characters face in Wish You Were Here

The trials and tribulations of the characters in Stewart O'Nan's novel "Wish You Were Here": Emily, main character, recently widowed, worried about her two adult children and wonders why they and their spouses are so cold to her; sister-in-law Arlene, feels peripheral and schoolmarmish, unsympathetic to the children, never married no kids, her career a disappointment living alone, world is changing too fast for her; son Ken, marginally employed, doubtful about chance for success as a photographer, apparently some kind of sexual frigidity; his wife, feels little connection to those around her, resentful of husband, feels he is pulling away from her; Emily's daughter Margaret, the most troubled of the lot, recovering addict, just split from husband, worried about money and about keeping her house, smokes too much and is a slob; her daughter Sarah, feels she's too pretty, kind of boy crazy but likely to make bad judgments; her brother Justin, suffers from some kind of phobia, afraid of being alone, and of the dark; Ken's daughter Ella, concerned that she's unattractive and about her sexual attraction to girls, especially her cousin; Ken's son Sam, concerned that he's the weakling, timid, somewhat sickly?, poor eater. Wow - wish you were there?

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