
A daily record of what I'm thinking about what I'm reading

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Sunday, July 13, 2014


Hawthorn e's story Old Esther Dudley is another look back at colonial times and the first years of American independence and at first we may be astonished at Hawthorne's vitriol toward the British but then we realize that the American revolution was relatively recent history just 50 years back - like the 60s to us - and Hawthorne would have known many who lived through those years. It's also so refreshing to read a serious writer of the time who is so angered by the privileges of rank and birth - an American virtue that is sadly faded. Dudley of the title is the last and most staunch royalist and refuses to leave the province house where she has lived almost for free for many years. She persist on thru the revolution telling children takes of the grand events that used to take place there, bringing ghostly visions of the past alive. Story compare well w the gray champion in that in this story the first gov of mass John Hancock treats Dudley tenderly and honor her resolve w out bitterness tho she remains angry and even delusional. Reading these Hawthorne stories kindles faith in the founding principles and ideals of the USA and makes me sad to think how these have been appropriated by reactionary groups such as t part Cato heritage Koch bros and on and on - As if they actually believe in liberty and justice.

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