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Saturday, October 12, 2013

A good decision for Strout perhaps but not a great novel

Sorry, losing interest in Elizabeth Strout's The Burgess Boys - I can see where it's heading, have seen this for a long time, and don't feel engaged enough with any of the characters to care too deeply about the denouement. A shame, because at times Strout can write really well, but it seems to me that in this novel she's giving up her territory in order to get out of the box of "regional" writer - well, Alice Munro is a "regional" writer, and now her region is the whole world - and to write an issues story and a page-turner, and though I concede this may be a good decision for Strout personally (i.e., commercially), as we all gaze enviously at Jodi Picault's sales, I think this novel does not show her work at its best. Just me, maybe, and Burgess Boys might ultimately make a good movie or TV mini, but I'm finding it kind of like a train rolling forward, incident by incident, character by character, without sufficient depth, atmosphere, or nuance. I'd like to stop at a station and gaze out the window for a while.

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