
A daily record of what I'm thinking about what I'm reading

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Thomas Mann mario and the magician

Lest anyone doubt the political allegorical nature of Mario and the magician the perverse eponymous magician turns out to be more of a hypnotist whose skill lies in getting unwilling members of his audience do do strange things - stick out their tongues or double over in cramps eg - against their will. Mario keeps up a running commentary and says how this work is so hard for him. He towards the end speaks about obedience and will - that we all have will but a powerful figure can overcome another's will and exert obedience. Obviously he is like a fascist political leader perverting the will of the masses especially of the working-class men. Oddly on the surface his mesmeric performance has no political content - he is not controlling his audience for any end other than entertainment ostensibly. But there is a menacing undercurrent of racism - references to the fatherland and the hint that the narrator and his family may be outsiders and victims - possibly Jews though that is never stated. It's at one a very bold and insightful story and a defensive and protective story never overtly stating the real intention or the real affect of the nazis and fascists - it wasn't just about controlling the will and Their followers were not just innocent hypnotized victims of a charlatan.

Sent from my iPhone

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