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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Expecting too much from A Visit from the Goon Squad?

The two last stories/chapters in Jennifer Egan's "A Visit from the Goon Squad" bring or at least try to bring a bit of closure to this loosely structured novel/collection in which the characters appear in one another's stories so that, by the end, we get a sketch or outline of the life story of at least the two central characters, Bennie Salazar, rock-music producer, and Sasha, his sometime assistant. The last two stories - one imaginatively done as PPT slides by Sasha's daughter sometime circa 2020 reports that Sasha has reconnected with old NYU boyfriend and settled into domestic tranquility after her tumultuous youth and the last story, more conventional, shows Bennie as a 60ish man, remarried with young kids, a minor player in the music business and promoting - through some vaguely defined social-media strategies - a comeback concert by his old high-school bandmate, Scottie. Not sure, overall, what to make of this book. Yes, on the one hand the stories are each pretty interesting and Egan works in a whole gallery of narrative style, from conventional to experimental, a variety of voices and points of view. On the other hand, do these linked stories or chapters really cohere into a larger narrative shape? They do on the level of plot - by the end, we know the facts of the life of a number of characters, especially Sasha and Bennie. But what we gain in scope we lose in depth. I don't feel I know any of these characters deeply, the way I would expect by the end to know the main character of a novel. Perhaps the main character is the music industry itself, how it changes and evolves over time - or perhaps it's meant to be about surfaces, not depths. Perhaps I'm expecting too much, though the book does come at us with an array of prizes and glowing reviews.

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