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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Many characters and plot elements in Adichie's best-known novel

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie continues in section 2 of her 2013 novel, Americanah, to set up the forces of conflict in her plot: stepping back from the near-present of part 1 w the protagonist, Imfelu, settled and successful in academics in the us but preparing for unknown reasons to return to her native Nigeria and reconnect her first love, Obinze (?) who is successful as well as married, CNA show us I entering college and having her first sexual experience w O and just beginning to dabble in student politics (and showing interest in a student activist leader) as, in parallel, we learn the fate of her aunt Uma, who had become the "kept woman" of the boorish but all-powerful General but whose world of prosperity is ripped away from her when the G dies in a military plane crash ((a coup maybe?). U leaves Nigeria w infant son for the US, setting up a line of opportunity for"we I,Aline, I's later emigration. Aunt U's story interests me more than I's at this point, as it's so foreign to Americans cultural experience- whereas I in many ways could almost be an American family - w first-generation college student issues. A lot of events and many characters and 3 significant settings in first 100 pp of this episodic, well-realized, ambitious if conventional novel.

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