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Saturday, August 5, 2017

A curious insight in The Man Who Was Thursday that's on point in the US today

One curious and timely aspect in G.K. Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday: the novel concerns a group of undercover police officers who are trying to foil an anarchist sect that is plotting a series of bomb attacks in public venues. One of the police officers, as they the team is fleeing across the Normandy countryside with the leaders of the anarchist sect in pursuit, expresses concern that the people in the region will rise up in support of the anarchists. The leader of the police group says that this fear is groundless. He notes that the working class, despite the pretensions or delusions of the anarchists themselves, has no interest in an anarchist movement; the movement will have the support of the wealthiest, the French nobility. He reasons: the poor sometimes wish to get ride of a bad government, but the wealthy always (ital) wish to get rid of all government. This message is timely and on point today at the dawn of the Trump administration: it's the 1 percent that supports Trump and wants to get rid of all government, specifically regulations and taxation; the working class is deluded into thinking that the decimation of government is in their best interest - obviously not the case. This insight is proven correct, in the course of Chesterton's novel, as the wealthy landowner whom the police officers believe to be their friend and ally turns upon them and betrays them. What will happen in the U.S.? Abandoning regulation (SEC, EPA, et al) and diminishing government services (health care, national parks and monuments, et al.) serves the best interest of exactly whom?

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