
A daily record of what I'm thinking about what I'm reading

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Watch your parking meters: The Time Machine

Ok so enough of the badly outdated The Time Machine - it does not travel well into the 21st century. The basic lesson, at least as far as I got, was that if you time-travel into the distant future and you wander off observing the native species and inhabitants - don't forget where you parked your car! Or pay the parking meter - or whatever - because if you come back and your "time machine" is mysteriously vanished - you may end up a prisoner of the future. Gasp. But we know that our time-explorer managed to get back to the present somehow, that's how he's telling this remarkable tale - but I just didn't care how, it was all so ridiculous. There is some mystery that H.G. Wells is holding out on us - why is it that the future Earth-dwellers are so subject to lassitude and indifference, not curious about the new specimen who dropped in amongst them, weak and dispirited, unable to concentrate: Are they a slave race kept in captivity? Is it some change in the Earth's environment? Did they forget to take their vitamins? Maybe I'll read a plot sum to find out - but, nice try, an entertaining piece in its day, not worth re-visiting.

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