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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Who will be the next American to with the Nobel for literature?

I'm going out on a limb here a bit and making a prediction: Louise Erdrich will be the next U.S. American to win the Nobel Prize for literature. Why not? Though her name never (to my knowledge) has come up on the short list, she definitely seems to me both worthy and very much the kind of American writer whom the Nobel committee has often recognized and honored. She has taken on her little postage stamp of native soil (to paraphrase another American Nobelist) and made it a whole world, and his skillfully and engagingly brought to life a culture - contemporary Native American of the Plains - that has till then (and still) been largely ignored by American literature. Her novels and stories are easily readable, always imaginative and thoughtful, culturally significant without being tendentious, including a suitable amount of historical and mythical material without slogging through the miasma of magic realism. The Nobel committee clearly seems to like American writers (and others) who examine cultures on the margins and, and the committee has generally both mainstream American writers and experimentalists. It's a shame that they never honored Updike, and they have ignored Roth and Oates so far - I think Erdrich may be the next. Her style has changed very little since she first published about 30 years ago, and it's amazing how much material she has generated. She has a piece in the current New Yorker very typical of her best work, The Years (cq) of my Birth. It's obviously not a story but the beginning of a novel, covering the fairly familiar ground of an abandoned twin reunited in midlife with her birth family - with the added twist that the twin (white) was raised on the rez as a Native American. Looks as if this will be another successful and novel for Erdrich - and we'll see if it helps lead her to Stockholm.W

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